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US Amazon rigorously checks chargers: without thiscertification will be removed

Time:2018-05-30 15:49:12

According to previous reports, the United States Amazon on the platform for the sale of some of the charging Po underwent a shelf treatment, the reason is that before the charge treasure occurred too many security incidents.Since Amazon did not communicate with sellers in advance, this move caused intense dissatisfaction with a large number of sellers.
According to previous reports, the United States Amazon on the platform for the sale of some of the charging Po underwent a shelf treatment, the reason is that before the charge treasure occurred too many security incidents.Since Amazon did not communicate with sellers in advance, this move caused intense dissatisfaction with a large number of sellers.
According to previous reports, the United States Amazon on the platform for the sale of some of the charging Po underwent a shelf treatment, the reason is that before the charge treasure occurred too many security incidents.Since Amazon did not communicate with sellers in advance, this move caused intense dissatisfaction with a large number of sellers.
According to previous reports, the United States Amazon on the platform for the sale of some of the charging Po underwent a shelf treatment, the reason is that before the charge treasure occurred too many security incidents.Since Amazon did not communicate with sellers in advance, this move caused intense dissatisfaction with a large number of sellers.

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